Forgiveness....I have struggled with this over the years....Holding grudges, playing the victim card, feeling bitter. I have prayed and worked for hours, weeks, years to forgive wrongs that have been done in the past. I am struggling with it once again. Forgiveness...In the past, I have said that you can forgive someone, but that does not mean you have to let them have a big part in your life or that you have to be chummy with them...But, now...I don't know... Does that philosophy align with God's standards? I want it to be, because I guess really I don't want to let this person back into my life enough to hurt me again. I don't want to trust them. I don't want things like they used to be because frankly i got hurt in a huge way. But, when I think about God and how he isn't at arms length....when he forgives me, he does it in a close personal way. He forgives all the way and is a God of second chances. He forgives me when I mess up on purpose or not.