Thursday, February 2, 2012

Once A Month Cooking

So, in our house, we eat out ALOT! I am a busy girl and many nights I truly do not have time to cook! The people at the drive up window knew us by our first names--for real. So, a few months ago I saw a blog about Once A Month Cooking. I had heard of it before, but the blog made me really want to give it a whirl. This month will be our third time doing it and I feel like we are really working out all of the kinks. The first two months were LONG cooking days, but we truly ate at home almost every night which made it worth it for me. Also, the cost could not be beat. Both months the cost was around $150. There are several links on pinterest and other places on the internet. I will post a link to my group on facebook. I have posted all of the recipes for this month and will update as we eat them. You can find the group here:!/groups/247236805319964/

Some tips: Muffins freeze very well. Reheat in microwave or just thaw and eat.
Pasta should be cooked slightly less than done so it is perfect when you thaw and reheat.
Meatloaf can be frozen raw....just thaw and cook.
Potatoes do not freeze very well.
Use disposable aluminum pans. Cleanup on serving night is a breeze.

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